Braden Kelley 在 Innovation is All About Value 的文章中,對於 Innovation 下了一個定義,他說:
Innovation transforms the useful seeds of invention into solutions valued above every existing alternative – and widely adopted.
從這裡面,可以看到 usaful 和 valuable 是完全不同的事情,他進一步解釋:
Often usefulness comes from what a product or service does for you, and value comes from how it does it. If you’re looking to truly deliver innovative products and services into the marketplace, then once you succeed at the designing and developing the ‘what’, don’t forget to also focus on achieving excellence in the ‘how’.
usefulness (實用性),來自於一項產品或服務為你做了什麼;value (價值) 則來自於這項產品或服務怎麼做到的。
Braden 舉了 一個捕鼠器 (mousetrap) 的例子來說明,到底 usefulness 和 value 有什麼不同。
Despite the hundreds or thousands of patent applications submitted every year for new mousetrap designs, most people still purchase the same simple snapping mousetrap that you see in cartoons and that has been around for a hundred years.
看到了嗎?每年有那麼多關於捕鼠器的專利,但是人們仍舊是用 100 年前就有的捕鼠器。小小不起眼的捕鼠器很容易能夠有這麼多的創新點子產生,可是我們也看到,要讓「新」的捕鼠器能夠產生「新」的價值是多麼困難的一件事。