The Four Stages of Learning

今天早上讀到 The Four Stages of Learning,讓我想到「守、破、離」。

四個學習階段 (The Four Stages of Learning) 在《Mastering Online Marketing》中是這麼說的:

1. Unconscious Incompetence
Said another way, “We don’t know what we don’t know.”
He doesn’t know why it’s happening and may not even knopw how to find out.
In other words, he doesn’t know what his problem is and doesn’t know how to identify it, let alone fix it.
2. Conscious Incompetence
During this second stage, we know what we don’t know.
We realize that our skill in a particular area is limited and we need help in order to improve.
3. Conscious Competence
In this learning phase, we have the skills, know-how, and ability to complete the task proficiently, but we still must concentrate carefully.
We know what we know, but we have to think about it.
4. Unconscious Competence
This is the stage when it all comes together.
We can perform the given task successfully, even when we have other things on our minds.




所謂「」,就是按部就班,依循既有的規則而行。以書法來說,可以視之為「臨摹」;以創新設計來說,則是按著「Design Rule」或「Design Process」進行。

所謂「」,就是突破既有框架,在「守」之上加入自己的經驗與思維。以創新設計來說,就是在既有的「Design Process」中,進行自體變化與演繹,融入屬於該組織特有的文化與習慣。


當 Design Thinking 在台灣各領域業界裡逐漸成為顯學,似乎也正走向 「The Four Stages of Learning」,或說是「守、破、離」的各個階段。

無論你或你的組織正處於哪一個階段,切記,不要單單用你的視野看別人 — 或許你在別人眼中還只是在「守」的階段,別要對你不懂得事情大呼小叫、不屑一顧。

謙虛學習,往「Unconscious Competence」/「離」的階段邁進吧!

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