我是 清大彭明輝的部落格 的讀者,很欣賞彭教授收集資料、剖析與連結資料的能力與見解,日前讀到他寫的〈擁核的朋友該認真看這份報告〉,裡面有很多訊息必須好好思考與消化,不過這段話倒是說出我的心聲:
「任何日本人如果在這一場災難中扮演著決策者的角色,其結果很可能將是相同的。(Had other Japanese been in the shoes of those who bear responsibility for this accident, the result may well have been the same.)」
循著彭教授的麵包屑,我找到了整份報告 PDF 原文,然後又看到有 HTML 版本,於是我利用 Google 翻譯快速地瀏覽一遍,才發覺有很多資訊是沒有被揭露出來的。我把其中重點摘要於下,對核四議題有興趣的人,都應該讀一讀,當然讀原文最好。(結果 國立政治大學的鄭同僚教授 於昨天 4/1 翻譯了這一篇)
日本福島核災事件獨立調查委員會 (NAIIC) 主席東京大學黑川清 (Kiyoshi Kurokawa) 教授開宗明義就說:
THE EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI of March 11, 2011 were natural disasters of a magnitude that shocked the entire world. Although triggered by these cataclysmic events, the subsequent accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant cannot be regarded as a natural disaster. It was a profoundly manmade disaster – that could and should have been foreseen and prevented. And its effects could have been mitigated by a more effective human response.
2011 年 3 月 11 日的地震和海嘯是天災,其嚴重程度已震驚了全世界。雖然這些天災觸發了隨後在福島核電廠的事故,卻不能被視為一個天災。這是一個深沉的人為的災難 — 但我們可以 (could) 且應該 (should) 已經預見並阻止。如果有一個更有效率的人員反應,其影響應可以得到緩解。
How could such an accident occur in Japan, a nation that takes such great pride in its global reputation for excellence in engineering and technology?
Our report catalogues a multitude of errors and willful negligence that left the Fukushima plant unprepared for the events of March 11.
我們的報告記載了許多的錯誤和刻意的疏忽,而這些都造成了福島核電廠在 3 月 11 日的事故是毫無準備可言的。
What must be admitted – very painfully – is that this was a disaster “Made in Japan.” Its fundamental causes are to be found in the ingrained conventions of Japanese culture: our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to ‘sticking with the program’; our groupism; and our insularity.
我們必須非常痛苦地承認,這是一場「日本製造」的災難。它的根本原因是來自於根深蒂固的日本文化傳統 — 反射性服從、不願意質疑權威、終身投入同一專案、群體主義和孤立偏狹。Had other Japanese been in the shoes of those who bear responsibility for this accident, the result may well have been the same.
1970 年代就種下這事故的起因
(前文:1970 年代的石油危機後,日本加速核能發展,其他一概不重要)
With such a powerful mandate, nuclear power became an unstoppable force, immune to scrutiny by civil society. Its regulation was entrusted to the same government bureaucracy responsible for its promotion. At a time when Japan’s self-confidence was soaring, a tightly knit elite with enormous financial resources had diminishing regard for anything ‘not invented here.’
This conceit was reinforced by the collective mindset of Japanese bureaucracy, by which the first duty of any individual bureaucrat is to defend the interests of his organization. Carried to an extreme, this led bureaucrats to put organizational interests ahead of their paramount duty to protect public safety.
It was this mindset that led to the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant.
The consequences of negligence at Fukushima stand out as catastrophic, but the mindset that supported it can be found across Japan. In recognizing that fact, each of us should reflect on our responsibility as individuals in a democratic society.
2/26 的 Facebook,我說的:沒能力處理核廢料的,就不要出來蓋核電廠