《精實執行》Running Lean 出了第三版了,其中有第二版中沒有的故事,讀了之後才發現我這幾年來一直沒覺察到的錯誤認知:MVP。
不管你是不是新創圈裡的人,你大概也聽過 MVP 這個已經被說到像口頭禪的詞彙了,但你我對它的定義瞭解嗎?
第三版的前言裡有 Steve 和 Larry 的故事,其中 Steve 是一個失敗的例子,也是之後要靠 Running Lean 反敗為勝的模版。
以後再說這個,我先用書中新創前輩 Mary 對 Steve 講解 MVP 的內容開始,之後再說我的錯誤認知。
新創前輩 Mary 講解 MVP
Mary sighs. “Sorry, Steve, I should have warned you that MVP is quite a loaded term with many different definitions and approaches out there. Yes, a lot of people subscribe to that approach. And to be fair, it’s still a better approach than spending a year building out a more complete product, only to find out that you’ve overbuilt—or worse, built something nobody wants.”
瑪莉嘆了口氣:「抱歉,Steve,我應該警告你 MVP 是一個帶有很多不同定義和方法的術語。是的,很多人都認同這種方法。持平而論,這仍然是一種比花一年的時間建立一個更完整的產品更好的方法,只是發現你已經過度打造了,甚至更糟,打造了沒人想要的東西。」
“… But simply throwing your best guess at a solution, no matter how small, over the fence, and calling that an MVP, doesn’t guarantee any better results.”
「… 單單隨便投入你的最佳假想作為解決方案,無論多小,然後稱之為 MVP,這並不能保證有更好的結果。」
“Think of the Build-Measure-Learn loop as a fast idea validator. If you put a reasonably good idea in and manage to attract early adopters, it is possible to iterate and refine your MVP as you describe. But if you start with a bad idea, all you learn is that your idea sucks. And then you’re stuck.”
「把《精實創業》中 Build-Measure-Learn 迴圈看作是一個快速的點子驗證機器,如果你放入一個相當不錯的點子並成功吸引早期採用者,那麼就有可能按照你描述的方式迭代和調優 MVP。但如果你從一個糟糕的點子開始,你只會得知你的點子很糟糕。然後你就卡住了。」
“Because customers today have lots of choices. If your MVP fails to resonate with them, they don’t turn into testers and patiently deliver you feedback on how to improve your product. They simply leave… You’re then left guessing why things aren’t working, which kicks off the search for the mythical killer feature—the one that always feels like it’s just around the corner. Sometimes you get a lucky break, but more often than not you find yourself going around in circles, trying out one idea after another, and are never able to break through. The build trap ensues.”
「因為今天的顧客有很多選擇。如果你的 MVP 不能引起他們的共鳴,他們不會變成測試人員並耐心地給你反饋,告訴你如何改進你的產品。他們只會離開… 然後你就只能猜測為什麼 MVP 起不了作用,你就開始尋找神秘的殺手級功能 — 你總是感覺它就在附近。有時你幸運地有一點進展,但更常見的是,你發現自己在循環中打轉,嘗試一個又一個點子,卻永遠無法突破。這就是掉入建構性陷阱的結果。」
“… Steve. You do that by focusing on problems before solutions. The challenge today isn’t building more features, but uncovering what to build.”
「… Steve,你得先關注問題而不是解決方案。現今的挑戰不是創造更多的功能,而是發現要創造什麼。」
我對 MVP 的錯誤認知
Mary 的耳提面命講完了,換講我的底層認知錯誤。
我知道 MVP (的英文) 是什麼,也知道《精實創業》強調的 Build-Measure-Learn 模式,但我在真正要打造 MVP 的時候,我內心還是把它放在 Build-Demo-Sell 的循環中,而不是更大膽地 Demo-Sell-Build 模式。
我把 MVP 的第一焦點放在 P (Product),第二焦點放在 M (Minimum),最後才是 V (Viable),甚至有時候沒有去驗證 V。
我想,這才是比對 MVP 錯誤認知更嚴重且致命的創業者心態。